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  • Writer's pictureCaleb Escobar

Spring Break at the beach

During spring break it was mostly boring since i was at the house cleaning or just watching art videos on YouTube. It was only before Tuesday when my friends decided to plan out and head out to the beach so we could eat and be out getting fresh air. We all planned out where we would go and where to go eat after and also the date so everyone would be able to go so the day that we all agreed on was on Friday.

I quickly took this picture of my friend because i knew he'd move from the spot he was standing on but i really liked how the shadows are hitting him and the angle he's in.

I took this picture just to show what small part area of the beach we were at since there was a huge wall behind us because the beach goes downward having to go through stairs as well.

Throughout the day we just had chats and went into the water for a while it was really hot that day too but the water was cold to the point where my feet felt numb. After we left we went to Jack in the box it was my first time there so it was a new experience for me even after we got to my friends house and talked till each of us had to go home.

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