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  • Writer's pictureCaleb Escobar

My favorite 3 photos taken this school year

Person in water using Snapseed

This was one of the few projects we did throughout the year called 'Person in water using snap seed' I carefully took the picture so only the cup would come out perfect so no distractions would show up in the background that also included the picture within the glass of water. I really liked the picture because its mainly focused on the glass which means its gonna catch your attention quickly instead of the background. There's nothing i could improve on other than cropping out the light that's being shown.

High shutter speed

In this project we had an app that would help us capture a balloon the moment it would explode called 'high shutter speed'. I was ready in position so when it popped the picture would come out good with no distractions around it and it surprisingly the image came out really well, what I wish i did better was if the person wasn't really taking up half the image and I had gotten a lot more focus on the wall.

Forced perspective

During the start of the year when I joined the class this was one of the first few projects i did it was called "forced perspective". I tried to angle the pic so it could come out good and would leave out my fingers as if he were holding the ball in the air. I kind of liked how it came out since I pictured how I wanted to come out in my head but if it came out better id angle the camera much better and try to at least crop out my fingers a bit more.

This is a picture taken by Edgar Nieves that I chose because he took the chance to take a pic of the sunset at the park I really like how the sky looks since it has a pinkish color mixed in with light blue and it doesn't look too distracting since the colors catch my attention.

I chose this picture from Jordan Barrios in another class I like how the sky looks with all the surrounding clouds and the sun barely being visible looks really cool. The trees in the shot make it look good in some way as well.

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